Board Meeting – May 23, 2007

Country Walk Board Meeting on May 23, 2007 (Unscheduled)


Board president Ed De Iulio called an unscheduled meeting to keep up-to-date on subdivision matters.


The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm in the Clubhouse. In attendance were:  Ed De Iulio, Rocco Cioffoletti, Bill Swedberg, Steve Lapham, and Warren Adams.



  • Minutes from the 4/19/07 subdivision meeting were sent to Warren Adams from Stephen Tompkins. They were approved.
  • Minutes from the 5/1/07 Board meeting were approved, and are ready to be posted on the subdivision website.


The Board went into executive session to discuss the court case between the Country Walk Homeowner’s Association, Inc., and CESI Corporation.


Miscellaneous Items

  • Warren noted that he sent to the Board, on 5/7/07, a copy of the pool regulations from three years ago. They were updated, and placed on the website.
  • Discussion ensued as to the setup of the website. Ed mentioned that we will call Tim Burg.
  • Ed sent a letter to the Director of Public Works in Clemson relative to missing and faulty street signs.
  • Ed contacted Duke Power relative to four inoperative street lights. They promised to repair shortly.
  • Rocco reported that only one homeowner has not paid dues for 2007.
  • There will be no coke machine in the pool area due to vandalism. In order to have a machine, the subdivision must purchase, in advance, 50 cases of soft drinks per year. The Board is unwilling to commit in this manner.
  • Rules and regulation letters will be sent to select individual homeowners.
  • Due to safety concerns, the Board does not wish motorized vehicles on the common areas. Anyone can call the police with the Board’s support.
  • Ed reported two estimates for removing the doghouses and reroofing either the localized areas or the entire roof. The first estimate is $4500 and $10000 for the two items respectively. The second estimate is for $1800 and $7300 respectively. The latter estimate is for 30 year architectural shingles. Clarification will be sought as to whether the current roof will be removed before the second roof is installed.
  • Painting concerns. The guard shack at the subdivision entrance, and the downstairs of the clubhouse both need painting. Estimates will be sought.
  • Mulch on an island on Country Walk Lane is needed. The cost will be $1836, figured as 51 cubic yards at $36 per yard. Questions arose as to the number of cubic yards needed, and available funds.
  • Scott Vick graciously, and at no cost to the subdivision, fixed a segment of the front flashing that fell off the clubhouse.
  • Discussion arose as to whether monthly updated versions of the current financial summary, including discretionary and nondiscretionary expenses, and funds expended to date, would accompany meeting minutes on the website.  The Board decided to include them with the minutes.



The meeting concluded at 8:57 pm.


Respectfully submitted,





Warren P. Adams

Secretary, Country Walk Board

Board Meeting – May 1, 2007

Country Walk Board Meeting on May 1, 2007


The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm in the Clubhouse. In attendance were:  Ed De Iulio, Rocco Cioffoletti, Steve Lapham, and Warren Adams. Stephen Tompkins, rotating off the Board as secretary, delivered a binder of documents and left the meeting.


The new Board members, Warren Adams and Steve Lapham, were welcomed.  Assignments were agreed upon. Board members and duties are as follows.

Ed De Iulio, president

Bill Swedberg, first vice-president

Steve Lapham, second vice-president

Rocco Cioffoletti, treasurer

Warren Adams, secretary



  • Minutes from the 4/17/07 Board meeting were approved.
  • The minutes from the 4/19/07 subdivision meeting were not approved, and are awaiting additional information. Warren is to obtain an electronic copy so that they can be modified.


Rocco distributed the 2007 budget, with actual expenditures through 4/30/07. The budget includes non-discretionary and discretionary expenses. It was reviewed and approved.


The Board agreed that minutes should be made available to the subdivision on the Country Walk website, and will be posted in a timely fashion, typically within a week. Timothy Burg had agreed to help in this regard.


Ed noted concerns with the Clubhouse. A segment of front flashing fell off, and the doghouses are a danger and eyesore. Ed has a “rough” $4500 estimate to remove the doghouses and roof the Clubhouse. Discussion as to roofing the entire Clubhouse, or only the section where the doghouses currently stand, ensued. Official estimates and professional recommendations will be sought.


The Board went into executive session to discuss the court case between the Country Walk Homeowner’s Association, Inc. and CESI Corporation.


A major item of concern is the fence that separates Country Walk subdivision from Route 123. It needs attention, as portions have either fallen or are in need of repair. Options were discussed, including fixing it, moving it outside the walking trail, and removing it completely. The recommendation of the previous Board was to have it removed. Costs and benefits will be carefully weighed. This item will again be considered at the next Board meeting.


Yard, boat, and fence issues were raised. Such issues will be brought to the attention, in writing, of individual homeowners. Ed noted that new structures and fences must have the approval of the Architectural Control Committee (ACC).





  • Three social gatherings are possible: an end of school party at the pool, the third annual pig-picking party at the Clubhouse on June 22, and an end of vacation party at the pool. Additional information on each will be forthcoming.



  • The pool opened on 5/1/07 as planned, and is expected to close on 10/01. DHEC has given full approval.
  • Bill Matheson, who has serviced our pool since the formation of the first Board, will again be our contractor.
  • Pool rules will eventually be posted on the website. Warren agreed to look for pool rules from 2003.
  • There is $1500 of unpaid receipts for previous work on the pool gazebo.


Landscape and Maintenance

  • Jay Jones arranged for a contactor to troubleshoot irrigation and sprinklers.
  • Mulch was not placed on an island in the subdivision because budgeted funds were exhausted. This item will be later addressed.
  • Matt Reeves, our contractor since 2003, is going out of business. Jay Jones is working with a new contractor. Details will be forthcoming.
  • A request has been made to fix the common area between the pool and 100 Knollwood Drive. This request will be addressed after a new contractor is secured.



  • Effective 6/1/07, Kristi Green will no longer be taking reservations for the Clubhouse.  Cindy Osef will be her replacement.
  • Maintenance and fire issues were discussed.


Architectural Control

  • No news, but a reminder to submit plans before work is initiated.


The meeting concluded at 10:10 pm.


Respectfully submitted,




Warren P. Adams

Secretary, Country Walk Board